How sharp are your team’s sales skills?

Company Shortcuts // October 9 // 0 Comments

Over the years, Lara and I have seen many organisations, from micro businesses through to large corporates, with sales teams so detached from Profit Generating Activities that they misdirect their activity and end up, at best, increasing revenue but not profit, or at worst increasing revenue but to the detriment of profit.

It sounds obvious as I write this, but you'd be surprised how few Sales Leaders know what metrics to focus on, to maximise the profit generating capacity of their team and how to pin point the gaps.

When you and your team are certain what profit priorities to focus on, productivity will soar.

Once you are all working from the same page, you need to build yourself a Sales Bible, that will house all the templates and processes that are standardised across the business.

Some of your team may not have had formal sales training, so if you are the enthusiastic leader of a business who has a natural ability to sell, but have a team, struggling to mirror your results let us help you sharpen their sales skills.

We exist to support and inspire ambitious sales leaders, focused on accelerating profitable growth in their business, so if this is you, join us in London at our next Masterclass, with your team and discover our Sales Secrets model that will transform their working practices.

Find out more here: Sales Secrets Masterclasses

About the Author Company Shortcuts

Company Shortcuts works with a team of outstanding Sales Accelerators to deliver consultancy and training, who also guest blog for us on topics of interest to sales leaders.

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