Building a movement, the importance of your first followers

Nicola Cook // August 19 // 0 Comments

Thank you to Club Member Derek Hill who shared this short video with me yesterday. It’s a powerful demonstration of how a movement starts, builds and then gains momentum.

As you watch it ask yourself these questions;

What is your movement/mission or purpose that you are building momentum for?

  • Is it your overall company mission?
  • Your business culture?
  • Your customer base, to attract more clients?
  • Or even this month’s business objectives?

AND who are your own important First Followers?

  • Are they internal team members?
  • Clients or customer?
  • Or even your product brand ambassadors?

So in summary,

  • Be easy to follow
  • Nurture your first few followers as equals – make it about the movement, not about you!
  • Make your ‘movement’ public – everyone needs to see the followers – not just you the leader

Or perhaps YOU are a First Follower, the person who is helping turn a ‘lone nut’ into a movement.

About the Author Nicola Cook

Nicola Cook is an award-winning entrepreneur and twice published international best-selling author on professional selling and personal & business growth. She is CEO of Company Shortcuts, a business devoted to improving business results by injecting skill, passion and strategy to help those entrepreneurs and sales enthusiasts achieve the sales results they desire.

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