Sales & Marketing Overview
An overview of all sales & marketing templates
Marketing Plan
Comprehensive sense check of marketing thinking to devise a focused plan around marketing activities and priorities
Price Setting A New Item
Critical learning on how to price an item. Knowing all component parts costs is imperative but price setting is an art not a percentage applied science - sell for the value of what the market will pay
Barriers To Entry (a)
A SMART sense check. The right questions to ask so that you all focus on selling to the right kind of customer with a cohesive consistent message without spreading resources too thinly.
Barriers to Entry (b)
Criteria for selecting all other products
Business Traveller Demographics
How you should be able to clearly define your target audience
Summary of your competition knowledge
Detailed capture of what the competition do, what focus on the market they have, their products, packaging, indeed anything that helps you beat them is valuable.
Product Launch Checklist
A tick sheet of impact that you need to cover when bringing a new product to market both internal and external actions
Successful Negotiation Tactics
Learning to prepare, think through and play a negotiation
Introduction Letter
A really engaging introduction letter will raise your game and ensure that you target new clients effectively.
Customer Quotation Template
Quotes should include all the details of the service you offer and sometimes what you do not.
Contract of Sales Guidline
A contract of sale should include all the details of the service you offer and sometimes what you do not, so that both parties are aware of the terms of sale.
Vendor Tender Scorecard
A thoroughly great check list of the topics you may need to have prepared in order to respond to a large company tender.
Prospect Project Summary
A means of evaluating a new prospect or project from an existing client.
Prospect Pipeline Overview
An overview of your prospect pipeline, including existing and new business, in terms of activity levels.
Quarterly Presentation Template
A summary document for individual sales staff to complete to bring up to date information to management from their markets
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