People, Planning & Recruitment Templates Overview
An overview of templates within this section.
Workload Assessment - Task Breakdown
A template against which to review workload priorities. Use this sheet for one week to check actual work volume in different core roles.
Master Role Profile Template
A description document broken down into 5 core Key Performance Indicators which should be reviewed twice a year and rewarded against.
Individual Key Objectives
Utter clarity of detail around the 5 key points of performance should be sought each year and jointly agreed with the person in the role.
Job Advertisement - Example
Be original and outstanding in the way you advertise a role, and where you advertise it. The style in which you advertise should enhance and complement your brand image.
First Or second interview request letter
An invitation to interview
Rejection Letter - No Interview (Example)
An example of letter showing how to respond effectively to a client complaint
Interview Questions & Assessment
Carefully thought out questions for interviewing should give discovery of the skills of the individual you are looking for - not a random group of questions changed for each candidate
Reference Request Letter
A much undervalued part of the recruitment process
Rejection Letter - After Interview (Example)
Employment offer Letter
Legally you may need this kind of document customised for some specific roles.
employee new starter form
Make a good start by ensuring you capture the right details for an individual from the outset
Induction Weekly Overview - Sales (Example)
Invest early in giving a new recruit every chance to know the company and you will boost their possibilities for success and payback with skills and input.
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