You achieved the following result:

Hummm. You average score across the board was between ‘6’ and ‘7’. You may have scored yourself highly in one or two areas, but other areas within your Sales Engine are holding you back. Perhaps it is your Sales Strategy, or maybe it’s the structure of your Sales Team and their culture. Or even your technology, processes, marketing or sales skills and competencies within your business. Either way, you’re overall Engine is powering at somewhere between 60 and 70% percent.

This means for every £1 pound in growing your business and managing sales, you’re only reaping 60p’s worth of effort. The rest is dripping down the drain.

 Act now by focusing on the top 3 areas in our SAM© model that scored the lowest, and work on improving them. If you don’t you’ll be left behind by your competition.

If you’d like to discuss your results, feel free to book in for a completely free and no obligation.
