There are many things you can do to maximize your success
Always have the top three things you wish to achieve that day at the forefront of your mind – ensure your goals are realistic and make sure one of the three every day is something promoting a new sale.
Sales are for the selling hours of the day – do you maximize yours? How?
Map when you make successful client links, there might be a trend in your sector as to when is best to sell and to reach clients.
Speed matters
Pathetic though it might sound, and possibly weird, I promote a paranoia to save time at every turn. Business improvement must be a relentless process but equally, time is indeed money and the more you can save the more time you have for the making of profit.
As a child, I watched my father’s frustration whilst my mother had yet again put her car keys somewhere different when she came in. Hours were wasted in my life (about which I am still displeased!) in the search for these keys – before a frustrated, high tension departure.
How disciplined and systematic are you about the way you organize yourself, your time and your potential? Are you competitive with yourself to look relentlessly for accelerated smooth hassle free days?
How well do you utilize the phone to maximum benefit? Have you recorded the numbers of those whom you wish to contact – with international dial code for the UK in advance so when you call from global it is still a one-touch process? Do you always find someone by their mobile phone number first – the office is a place people used to be? Is your office in the bag you carry with you, securely backed up and do your sales leads go straight into a CRM system? Do you have a code system for the stage a client relationship is at – and or the contacts you have so that marketing can be utterly targeted and you do not risk upsetting the wrong audience?
Are you aware that the same approach simply does not work on each type of person? Study NLP to know the kind of approach you need to make to different people in differing roles in a business? An accountancy type example – for god sake give them figures! Don’t also brainlessly mass market without being able to phone follow up the bunch you have mailed in a timely fashion?
Do you use colour coded pens to organize your note taking? Indeed how often are you wasting time taking meeting and agenda action notes onto paper which could be directly typed up for best speed circulation and efficiency?
Do you turn on your computer whilst dressing in your hotel room to save time waiting for systems to load when you are ready to work? Weird, I know but cumulatively this silly effort saved me money. I get phone calls done when doing lots of other stuff? Are you an expert multi-tasker? NOT all calls should work this way but some can – weigh up when is the time to call which type of money earners back? No meeting agenda? Must be less important, no chairs, have the meeting, make decisions, move on? Is your culture strong enough that each individual knows that if a meeting piece is NOT relevant they can simply excuse themselves without insult? You’re on the same team? Build in efficiency habits. Super boost those on your team through leading by example, walk fast, learn on the go at every opportunity, make sure your team know the hours of the day are for sharing skills, experience, shadowing, growing the profitability of the company. Multiplication of talent through shared efficiencies makes a fortune but how many of you ask regularly for ideas and improvement suggestions?
Reward yourself for the improvements and habits you change and share your madness to others so they too can see the value of being efficient and organised.